Evictions have a devastating impact on people’s wellbeing and society
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Publications on evictions and housing law
Sweeney, E., Bruijn, M., & Vols, M. (2023). Deconstructing the Eviction Protections Under the Revised European Social Charter: A Systematic Content Analysis of the Interplay Between the Right to Housing and the Right to Property. Human Rights Law Review, 23(4). https://doi.org/10.1093/hrlr/ngad022
- Wind, R., Vols, M., & Roorda, B. (2023). The Child-specific Right to Adequate Housing in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 31(2), 444-470. https://doi.org/10.1163/15718182-31020001
Vols, M. (2023). The Optional Protocol to the ICESCR, Homelessness and Moral Hazard: The Alternative Adequate Housing Requirement in the CESCR’s Jurisprudence – an Incentive Not to Pay for Housing? International Human Rights Law Review, 12(1), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1163/22131035-12010001
- Visser, I., Breedeveld, J. A., & Hasnaoui, Y. (2022). Different Models of Forbearance and Mortgage Enforcement Proceedings, European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 9(2), 152-186. https://doi.org/10.1163/22134514-bja10032
- Vols, M. (2022). Het recht op huisvesting en de Nederlandse Grondwet: Een analyse van artikel 22 lid 2 Grondwet: het recht op voldoende woongelegenheid . NJCM Bulletin. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 47(2), 147-167. https://www.navigator.nl/document/id13fb9c271e164440b2a6b5045252bc2e?cpid=WKNL-LTR-Nav2&cip=hybrid
- Smit, N., & Vols, M. (2022). Student housing in The Netherlands. In T. Vandromme, N. Carette, & D. Vermeir (Eds.), Student housing in Europe (Studies in housing law; Vol. 4). Eleven International Publishing.
- Medvedeva, M., Dam, T., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2021). Automatically identifying eviction cases and outcomes within case law of Dutch Courts of First Instance. In E. Schweighofer (Ed.), Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (pp. 13-22). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; Vol. 346). IOS Press. https://doi.org/10.3233/FAIA210312
- Bruijn, L. M., & Vols, M. (2021). Onderzoek toepassing artikel 13b Opiumwet. NILG – Openbare orde, Veiligheid & Recht; Vol. 7. Boom Juridisch. https://www.
boomdenhaag.nl/webshop/ onderzoek-toepassing-artikel- 13b-opiumwet. -
Vols, M., & Dyah Kusumawati, E. (2020). The International Right to Housing, Evictions and the Obligation to Provide Alternative Accommodation. Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 21(2), 237-269. https://doi.org/10.1163/15718158-21020003
- Vols, M. (2020). Voortdurend Verhuizen: De Impact Van Het Kinderrechtenverdrag Op Huisuitzettingen In Het Privaat- En Bestuursrecht. NJCM Bulletin. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 45(1), 3-24.
- Vols, M. (2019), European law and private evictions: property, proportionality and vulnerable people, European Review of Private Law, 29, pp. 719-752.
Bruijn, L. M., Vols, M., & Brouwer, J. G. (2018). Home closure as a weapon in the Dutch war on drugs: Does judicial review function as a safety net? International Journal of Drug Policy, 51, 137-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2017.08.003
- Vols, M., & Fick, S. (2017). Using Eviction to Combat Housing-related Crime and Anti-social Behaviour in South Africa and the Netherlands. The South African Law Journal, 134(2), 327-360.
- Van Tongeren, S., & Vols, M. (2017). The Right to Housing and the Right to a Second Chance: How Dutch Landlords and Local Authorities Facilitate and Frustrate the Successful Reintegration of Ex-Offenders. In M. Vols, & J. Sidoli (editors), People and Buildings: Comparative Housing Law (blz. 171-190). (Studies in housing law; Vol. 2). Eleven International Publishing.
- Vols, M. (2017). Banning criminals and nuisance neighbours from housing: human rights proof? Exclusion and the Dutch Urban Areas Special Measures Bill. In J. Sidoli, M. Vols, & M. Kiehl (Eds.), Regulating the City: Contemporary Urban Housing Law (Vol. 1, pp. 127-143). (Studies in housing law; Vol. 1). Eleven International Publishing.
- Fick, S., & Vols, M. (2016). Best protection against eviction? A Comparative Analysis of Protection against Evictions in the European Convention on Human Rights and the South African Constitution. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 3(1), 40-69. https://doi.org/10.1163/22134514-00301002
- Vols, M., Kiehl, M.F. & Sidoli del Ceno, J. (2015), Human rights and protection against eviction in anti-social behaviour cases in the Netherlands and Germany, European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 2, pp. 156-180.
- Vols, M., Tassenaar, P. G., & Jacobs, J. P. A. M. (2015). Anti-social behaviour and European protection against eviction. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 7(2), 148-161.
- Vols, M. (2015). Artikel 8 EVRM en de gedwongen ontruiming van de huurwoning vanwege overlast. WR, tijdschrift voor huurrecht, 2015(2), 55-62.
Vols, M., Kiehl, M., & Sidoli del Ceno, J. (2015). Human Rights and Protection against Eviction in Anti-social Behaviour Cases in the Netherlands and Germany. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 2(2), 156-181. https://doi.org/10.1163/22134514-00202000